Typo3.6? Wann?

  • ITiger ITiger
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    02. 12. 2003, 17:23

    Hallo Leute!

    Ich dachte ich hätte irgendwo gelesen, dass Typo3.6 im November diesen Jahres rauskommen sollte... Dem war ja wohl nicht so.
    Weiss jemand bescheid, wann das neue Release rauskommen soll, und was es kann? Wo krieg ich Infos?

    Einen schönen Abend.


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  • 0 x
    03. 12. 2003, 11:33

    das ist eine gute frage. hab gelesen das jweiland bereits die 3.6 installiert hat...?

    auch will ;)

  • synomus synomus
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    03. 12. 2003, 11:56

    probiert es mal hier:


    momentan befindet sich Version 3.6 im Entwicklungsstadium...


  • sausi sausi
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    04. 12. 2003, 18:08

    Weiß einer, was Typo3 3.6.0 kann? Wo kann ich eine Featureliste oder dergleichen finden?

    Gruß Joerg

  • synomus synomus
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    04. 12. 2003, 20:21

    TYPO3 3.6.0-dev first release.

    Hi everyone.

    I have decided to follow the "Release early - release often" as far as I can and here it is - my nightly backup.

    - I will use this server space for my personal backups of the source. You can find new versions with intervals of hours, days or weeks depending on changes made.
    - The newest downloads is in top.
    - The URL is NOT public. Don't blurt it out on the mailing lists.
    - There is no support of any kind.

    - Yes, there are old, old bugs still. The fact that I let you download it does not mean that it is complete or near-complete in any way. OK!
    - Yes, many additions are still pending.
    - BEFORE you suggest bugfixes or additions please consult the "TODO.txt" file (see below). OTHER bugs/additions may also be noted only in my mailbox since I didn't find time to move the issues into the "TODO.txt" files yet. Sorry for that.
    - WHEN YOU HAVE A BUG/SUGGESTION: Send it to bugs@typo3.com for now. Please get right to the issue and be short. Maybe ask "do you already know this and this bug." etc. so I can quickly check if its new or already known.
    - IF YOU CAN, please send bug reports/additions as a single text line which I can copy/paste directly into the TODO.txt file of an extension.

    - Each extension (ext/, sysext/ and local extensions) can have a file located in "doc/TODO.txt". This is a new concept I'm going to support where developers can quickly jot down notes about additions, bugs, and other thoughts. I want these files to be THEE place for developers to store all information about these issues. The similar section in the manual.sxw should only be a reflection for the public as far as you care to maintain it. Reason is: A simple TEXT file often do much better as a tool for this.
    - The todo list for the CORE of TYPO3 is found in the root dir. of the tgz-source.
    - Please take a little time to browse some of these files.

    My recent work on TYPO3 has not been doing any actual coding (ok, that is not true though...) but rather to review approx. 750 mails I have accumulated over the last 1,5 year and get the information organized into the TODO.txt files.
    My philosophy is;
    Nothing will ever be complete - there will always be things to do or fix. BUT we can still consider something complete as long as the things to do is KNOWN - ei. described in the TODO.txt document.

    - I expect to mainly work on the issues found in the CORE TODO.txt file from now on, more or less in the order of appearance.

    - ANY patch that you want me to implement must be based on the most recent source download. Thus it is easy for me to make a "diff"
    - If you make BIG changes, please notify me first - maybe I just did a lot of development / rearrangement on that particular file and thus you patch could be irrelevant.

    - I will soon publish a new version of "Inside TYPO3" and a new doc "TYPO3 Core API" which will describe the new release.

    - 3.6.0 does not contain new features, it is mostly a cleaned up version:
    - For instance most of "t3lib_*" has been extensively commented and cleaned up.
    - The whole "cms" extensoin has been cleaned up (ALL frontend scripts!!!)
    - If you want to know which documents has been reviewed for 3.6.0 then look in the header of the document and you can often find "Revised for TYPO3 3.6.0 by Kasper Skårhøj / August 2003" or so... (for a few documents this header notice exists but the document is STILL being worked on. sorry)



  • edei edei
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    28. 12. 2003, 12:03

    hat schon jemand die rc1 version vom 3.6 getestet und erfahrungsberichte?


  • sacha sacha
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    29. 12. 2003, 23:49


    ja, habe die 3.6 RC1 installiert und alles lief problemlos. Man sollte darauf achten, dass in der php.ini short_open_tag = Off gesetzt ist, weil einige der HTML-Dateien im Backend <?xml doctypes haben, da kommt PHP dann ins Schleudern.

    Die Umstellung war unter Linux sehr einfach und schnell mit der in der Doku beschriebenen Symlink-Umlege-Technik erledigt. Alle Einstellungen konnten beibehalten werden.

    Diesen neuen Backend-Skin finde ich knuffig. Die Icons für die BE-User sehen aus wie Teddybären mit langen Nasen ;-).

    Ansonsten finde ich die ausführlichen Kommentare in den Sourcen sehr hilfreich und die neue extdeveval Extension blendet u. a. oben eine Reihe von Links ein, die für die Entwicklungsarbeit ganz praktisch sind.

    Probleme habe ich bis jetzt nach 2 Tagen Test noch keine gehabt.


  • alias7x alias7x
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    29. 12. 2003, 23:56

    also die Teddybären mit langen Nasen hab ich noch nirgends entdeckt, auch nicht in dem Freestyler-Skin.

    Bin ich blind oder hast du bissl arg lang getestet? :o

    Grüße, Al

  • sacha sacha
    0 x
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    30. 12. 2003, 00:16


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